Gull Control & Removal
Gulls primarily congregate around Boat docks, rooftops, ledges, signs, & canopies. Some stay in the state year round, others migrate. A medium sized bird, they typically become a nuisance when nesting, roosting, and perching at these areas. Bird droppings are acidic, & can cause damage over time. When nests and fledglings are present, they can often swoop down to protect the area. As Gulls are a protected migratory species, you aren’t allowed to destroy active nests, or take eggs without proper forms. Regardless of the areas they are damaging, physical deterrents are often best when dealing with nuisance Gulls.
Products installed such as flex track, & grid wire systems are typically best for keeping Gulls away. We start by performing an on site evaluation of the property, to determine the root of the issues, the amount of cleaning that would need to happen, the site pressure for the Gulls, and the options for physical and visual deterrents required to make the areas Gull free.
Flex track is a product that installs flat on the substrates which gives a small electrical shock to the birds, making it undesirable to stand in that particular spot. Grid wire system is a post mounted monofilament wire system installed to prevent Gulls from landing typically on rooftops. Netting is also a common physical method to keep Gulls off of accessing certain areas.